Dear Friends,
The Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology is currently bears witness to several defining changes in the field of Surgical Gastroenterology. The rapid push towards sub-specialization has led to major changes in defining the work-areas-of-interest of our members. Within the fold of IASG there are surgeons, both young and old, with focused as well general interests in various sub-specialized fields of Surgical Gastroenterology. There are several subjects, including GI Oncology, wherein the members of IASG have produced a plethora of work and, perhaps, time has come to put a decisive foot forward.
The more precise challenge lies in teaching and disseminating this changing landscape to the youngest in our fold. While the appeal of the ever-narrowing fields of work is unmissable, all of us are also aware of the pitfalls of such a severely focused approach to Surgical Gastroenterology. Perhaps, for resident training we need to incorporate the best of both worlds – the focused as well as the relatively generalized.
The current office bearers have tried to put a spotlight on the topics of the new world order, such as NOTSS (non-technical skills for surgeons), Women in surgery, Robotic Surgery, Artificial Intelligence in Surgery, and so on.
This new website of IASG is an effort to make it more functional and interactive. The long-term aim being to make it a common platform for academics, interaction and archiving Surgical Gastroenterology related knowledge. We look forward to improving this website, in the time to come, with encouraging feedback from the members of IASG.
To my mind, the future of IASG lies in taking the walk together…… regardless of our differences.
“You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become.”
- ancient Indian scriptures
Dr. Rajneesh K Singh
Secretary, Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology