Chennai Oration
Prof. M. Ahmed Ali organized the 5th Annual conference of IASG in Chennai, in 1995 and sponsored "Chennai Oration", to be delivered by an authority in Surgical Gastroenterology, National and/or International, every year at the annual conference as it's a prime Oration. A corpus was created and a specified amount was donated to the association.
From 2012 onwards Chennai oration will be every alternate year (Even Year).
The nominating/screening committee consists of President, President Elect and Secretary of IASG.
Oration is to be chaired by the President / President Elect / Secretary of IASG (any two).
The orator is awarded a plaque and Certificate.
Lucknow Oration
The Department of Surgical Gastroenterology at Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of medical Sciences, Lucknow, under the stewardship of it's First Professor and Head of the Department- Prof. S.P.Kaushik, organized the 4th Annual conference of IASG in 1994 and sponsored "Lucknow Oration", to be delivered by an authority in Surgical Gastroenterology, National and/or International, every year at the annual conference as it's a prime Oration. A corpus was created, and a specified amount donated to the association.
The executive committee of IASG accepted Prof. Kaushik proposal and the first Lucknow oration was delivered in 1995 by Prof. N J Lygidakis at the fifth Annual conference of IASG. From 2011 onwards Lucknow oration will be every alternate year (Odd Year).
The nominating/screening committee consists of President, President Elect, Secretary of IASG and HOD of the department of SGE, SGPGI. Oration is to be chaired by the President of IASG, President Elect, Secretary of IASG (Any two) and HOD of SGE, SGPGI or his representative. The orator is awarded a plaque and a token Honorarium.
Mrs. Veerabhai JR Das Agarwal Oration
A New Delhi Surgeon Dr TJ Aggarwal came forward with a donation, which helped the Founder Secretary Dr RC Aranya to run the IASG in the first few years of its formation. To thank him, an oration was instituted in the memory of mother of Dr TJ Aggarwal, Mrs Veerabhai JR Das Aggarwal.
The Executive committee has decided that this would be delivered by the Immediate Past President of IASG at its Annual Conference.
The Executive committee and General Body of IASG in 2016, has decided that this oration will be delivered by an Eminent Member of IASG, who has contributed significantly to the field of surgical gastroenterology.
Member should be nominated by another member of IASG.
Screening and selection Committee consists of three past presidents of IASG appointed by the President, President elect and Secretary of IASG.
Oration is to be chaired by the President of IASG, President Elect, Secretary of IASG (Any two)
Veerabhai JR Das Agarwal Oration – Guidelines
Timelines (May vary depending on the dates of the IASGCON - Please check website)
Application Procedure:
Selection Process: