Host a IASG Conference/Meeting

  1. Guidelines for hosting Mid-term CME/PG Clinics -
  1. Timelines:
    1. Members wishing to conduct PG Clinics and CME should apply after the applications are called for by the Secretariat, IASG after 1st June and before September 30th of the calendar year for approval of EC and GB.
    2. Preferably Two to three such events will be sanctioned per year.
    3. These events should not clash with other academic meetings of IASG and collaboration associations.
    4. Members can apply to conduct PG Clinics or CME, any time during the year. This can be permitted, provided there are vacant slots (If not sanctioned by EC and GB during annual conference). These applications should reach IASG, Secretariat 2 months before the event, to facilitate clearance from EC of IASG.
  2. Requirements:
    1. Person organising such event, should be Full time member of IASG.
    2. The event should be related to the speciality of surgical gastroenterology only.
    3. The member should apply in the proper application form (downloadable from the website or can be requested from secretary, IASG).
    4. More than fifty percent of the faculty involved in the CME should be members of IASG.
    5. In case of PG Clinics, the faculty should be drawn only from the faculty involved in training or examiners of DNB or MCh (Surgical Gastroenterology).
    6. Organisers should not use this platform for promoting causes other than academics.
    7. The event should confine to the IASG constitution
    8. No financial commitment will be provided by Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology.
    9. For District level mid-term CME, organizer can request for financial assistance from IASG (Maximum amount is Rs 20000) along with the application, before the dead line (September, 30th). This has to be approved by the EC and GB during the IASGCON before the CME is held. The money will be given after the CME following submission of report.
    10. After the event, the organiser should submit the report and audited account to the secretary, IASG in the required format within 6 months to be included in the Annual Report of IASG.
    11. The Local Organizing Committee should have an identified Organizing Chairman and Organizing Secretary, who shall be fully responsible to communicate with IASG and carry out the meeting. Members of the Local Organizing Committee should be clearly identified by name, designation and their role. These details shall be communicated to the IASG Secretary at the time of awarding the Midterm-CME/PG clinics to the respective applicants.
    12. The Scientific content (including title of the meeting, target audience, scientific program, etc) of the Midterm-CME/ PG clinics shall be submitted by the Local Organizing Secretary to the President/Secretary IASG, in advance. Scientific program can only be finalized after being vetted by the President/Secretary IASG under advice of the Scientific Committee convener of IASG.
    13. The format of the Midterm-CME/PG Clinics shall strictly adhere to the past conventions and ethics espoused by IASG. For e.g. IASG has taken a considered position against ‘Live Surgery’ demonstrations. President/Secretary of IASG shall take care of all such considerations, in consultation with the Executive Committee of IASG.
    14. The official title of the meeting shall include “Midterm CME of IASG/ PG Clinics of IASG”, as the case may be and shall be displayed in all brochures, correspondence, certificates, etc.
    15. Local Organizing Committee shall provide meeting attendance certificates to the delegates and faculty (in a format approved by IASG) signed by the Local Organizing Secretary/Chairperson, President and Secretary of IASG.
    16. The travel, registration and local hospitality of the faculty of the meeting shall be the complete responsibility of the Local Organizing Committee and should be up to the high standards of IASG.
    17. The registration fees, travel charges and any other miscellaneous charges for the delegates are to be finalized only with consultation and approval of the President/Secretary IASG under advice of the Executive Committee of IASG.
    18. All financial and logistical arrangements of the meeting are the responsibility of the Local Organizing Committee, and IASG will bear any responsibility for it.