Registrations open for NOTSS Masterclass

NOTSS Masterclass

Non Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) is a behaviour assessment tool and training system for evaluation and improvement in four categories of non-technical skill for surgeons that impacts on patients safety.

Suitability: Consultants and senior trainees in all surgical specialities.

Course Directors:


Dr. Yeap Chee Loong


Dr. Vivek Srivastava


Dr. Ali Mehdi

Course Faculties:

Dr. Sadiq Sikora

Dr. Rajneesh Singh

Dr. Sanjiv Haribhakti

Course Objectives:

These are the essential non-technical skills, surgeons need to perform safely in the operating room and NOTSS allows measurement of several competencies, including professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, and systems-based practice.

Click here to download the brochure